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Mikie & Fudge

Do you have space for this lovely pair?

  • Breed : Mixed Breed
  • Gender : Male & Female
  • Age : 10 years old (approx.)
  • Size : Medium
  • Good With Dogs : Not to live with
  • Good With Cats : No
  • Good With Children : 14 years and over

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With these two it turns out Guide Dogs aren’t just for humans, and subsequently Mikie (B&W) and Fudge (Brown) very much come as a pair. Even with Fudge’s support, Mikie, who has lost his eyesight completely, is still quite accident prone, but pushes on refusing to let his blindness impact him. As he does become used to his surroundings, his confidence grows until he is more comfortable in a familiar space. Brought to us from the Pound, these two happy and friendly dogs have bucketloads of personality and will immediately welcome any human into their small pack!


Meeting people - A word of caution on Mikie who tends to jump up and use his paws to feel around and greet new people. This does mean he can often accidentally catch you with a stray paw and small children or frail people should be particularly cautious given his size and lack of awareness. Having met a number of new people at SDR both dogs have been equally curious and friendly.


Walking & Exercise - Whilst walking, both tend to pull and often get their leads entwined, but you’ll quickly get used to managing them. Again, particular attention will need to be paid to Mikie who walks with a false confidence and will rely on his new owner to safely traverse any unknown ground. Neither plays in the traditional sense, but Fudge is the more energetic of the two and enjoys chasing, but failing to return a thrown ball. Similarly, Fudge will sometimes playfully jump on Mikie who tends to just shrug her off.


Training – Whether through hearing loss (natural for their age) or the hint of stubbornness, commands including recall, sit, down have all proved to be slightly hit and miss. However, with both dogs being very food motivated, training should come easily in their new home. Mikie’s recall is pretty good, but given his blindness you will of course need to continue a constant stream of sound to ensure he knows where to head for!


Travel - There were an assortment of whines enroute to the vet, however the return trip was much quieter. Mikie laid down on both trips, whilst Fudge was more up and about and keen to know where we were going.  At the vets itself, there was again a medley of whines and barks whilst waiting to be seen. However, in the consulting room they were both great, relatively calm and comfortable being handled by an unfamiliar person.


Other animals – Realistically it’ll be challenging looking for a new home with other animals, not because Mikie and Fudge are in anyway aggressive, but mainly because Mikie will need that dedicated focus and support. Dog mixes have gone without incident, nor too much interest from either so would be comfortable seeing Mikie and Fudge walking with canine friends.


Food & Treats – Mikie is more food motivated than Fudge, but they love a treat and both take them politely.


Living with children – With the challenges that Mikie presents as a blind dog, alongside a tendency to jump up and accidentally hit with stray paws we’d be looking at minimum age of 14.


Type of home - Given Mikie’s blindness we would be looking for an experienced owner to rehome these two lovely characters. Mikie is quite food motivated and has been receptive to initial instructions, so there could well be an option to work on vocal commands to help him more going forwards.


The adoption fee for Fudge & Mike is £300.00


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