Become a member

We are a small, independent self-supporting charity whose sole aim is to ensure that all dogs arriving at our door receive the love, care and attention needed before we find them suitable new homes. Without your support, our work would be impossible.

Becoming a member of Stokenchurch Dog Rescue is a perfect way to help us with our vital work. As a member, you will receive regular newsletters with all the news from Tower Farm, details of fundraising events, notice of our annual AGM and many other items of interest to dog lovers.

Perhaps you know a dog lover who would like this as a gift - a different way to give a thank-you.

For new members effective 16 May 2024:-

  • Family: £35
  • Adult: £20
  • Senior Citizen: £12 (65 years+)
  • Lifetime membership: £350.00

These are are minimum donations, any extra you can give will be gratefully received.

Memberships run from January 1st to December 31st but new members joining in October, November or December will be considered paid until the following year.

How to join

To join you can download a membership form here and fill it in. Then complete the Standing Order mandate, or attach a cheque (made payable to Stokenchurch Dog Rescue), and send both to:

Centre Manager
Stokenchurch Dog Rescue,
Tower Farm,
Oxford Road,
Bucks, HP14 3TD

Membership Renewal

If you are already a member and wish to amend the amount you are currently paying, or wish to print a membership renewal form for your annual membership renewal, please download a membership form here complete and return it to the Membership Secretary at the address above.