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Oscar is a lovable boy who wants a family to call his own

  • Breed : Mixed Breed
  • Gender : Male
  • Age : 6 years old (approx.)
  • Size : Large
  • Good With Dogs : No
  • Good With Cats : No
  • Good With Children : 16 years and over

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Oscar came to SDR through no fault of his own. Unfortunately, a family member developed allergies to his fur which resulted in asthma.

Oscar has settled in well to the routine here at SDR and is happy to see the dog carers for a good fuss and a cuddle. One thing he doesn't like is being left, he can become a little vocally demanding until you come back for more cuddles. He does however settle in time and relaxes on his bed.

Food & Treats - Oscar is a bit of a chunky lad, so at present, he is fed on a weight-control biscuit. He does like his food but does not bolt it down, he is well-mannered when taking treats but can sometimes be a little bit pushy, wanting more.

People & Personality - Oscar can be a little shy when he first meets someone new, but this very quickly passes (particularly if treats are involved) and before you know it, he's your new best friend. He has a fabulous personality which comes shining through the more time you spend with him.

Traveling & Vets - Whilst here at SDR Oscar has been on a short journey to see our vets, He was a little unsettled in the van and did whine while on the journey. Having arrived at the vet he was quite well-behaved to start with the vet and assistant giving him a fuss. Unfortunately, when the vets wanted to examine him, he wasn't quite as happy, he did growl at the vet when they tried to listen to his heart and check his teeth. We did muzzle him for the examination, but this made matters a little worse, with Oscar trying to pull the muzzle off. When the examination was all finished Oscar went back to his happy self with the vet giving him a fuss.

Out & About - Oscar does like to go for a walk, he gets rather excited when having his harness fitted. Once out he does tend to pull somewhat on the lead and being the size he is, you certainly know about it. He loves to take in all that's around him having a good sniff of the fauna and flora. He is not fazed by passing traffic and happily carries on enjoying his surroundings.

Dogs & Cats - Oscar is very vocal when meeting new dogs and because of his size, some dogs find him quite intimidating. Oscar couldn't live with another dog, but he could (in time) have some canine buddies to go walking with. Introductions would have to be done gradually and well controlled. We have also introduced Oscar to our resident cat and again he was very vocal when he caught sight of her. Our Resident cat (Clove) is very used to meeting dogs and was not concerned about his barking, choosing to bop Oscar on the nose, just to let him know who's boss.

Garden & Fencing - Oscar is most certainly going to need a garden, we have found that he does not like to toilet on concrete and prefers to go on grass. He will need a good-sized garden for him to have a play and run around and a 6-foot secure fence.

Oscar's new family - Oscar is looking for a new family that can keep up with his high demands for entertaining him. He can be left for up to four hours, but this will need to be built up gradually and he will need to be let out to the toilet just before you leave and as soon as you arrive back home. Oscar loves his walks so his new family will also need plenty of energy to keep up with him. Oscar can live with children aged 10 years and above, but they must be aware he is a large and sometimes demanding chap who will soon let you know if he wants something.

Oscar will require a minimum of two visits from all members of the household ahead of the adoption process.

The adoption fee for Oscar is £250.00